What I've Been Reading: October
When we were at the Grand Canyon I picked up a copy of Appetite for America: Fred Harvey and the Business of Civilizing the Wild West—One Meal at a Time as a birthday gift for my brother in law, who is both a history and food buff. The perfect gift! It seemed interesting enough that I ordered myself a copy when I needed to reach $25 in order to receive free shipping from Amazon. I’ve been diligently reading, but the font is quite small, the book is long, and the writing is a little dense, making it a very slow read. I’m enjoying it but I’ll refrain from writing about it until I’m finished.

So I don’t leave you without some suggested reading material, let me recommend Little Bee, which I read some time last year. It is an insanely fast read, but I don’t want to say any more about it because I don’t want to give anything away. I will warn you that it’s quite haunting and upsetting, but it’s definitely worth reading and will definitely get you thinking. And it will leave you crying in your train seat, like one of the books I read last month. I see a theme developing here.
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